May '16

70th Jubilee prophetic word for the Bride
May '16

Pastor’s Pond of truth
The more I meditate on the Word of God and study His character, the more I gain revelation of certain truths about who He is and how He operates. In this season of 2016 the Lord has revealed His truth about His Bride that He will return the land and the people from a far distant land whom have left due to offense, hurts, disappointments and past experiences.
This is the 70th Jubilee for the Bride of Christ along with being a leap year, (ADAR 1 & ADAR 2) which signifies the season of: Strength, Deliverance, Victory, Success, Promotion, acquiring our God given wealth, receiving power to make wealth, double blessings of anointing, and Joy… double portion strength and blessing in His glory (Haggai 2:4:9). May you receive power (Deuteronomy 8:18) to prosper in all you do, may God restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25) and may you be established in His Glory in Jesus name, Amen.
This is a season of pregnancy with purpose and direction for the Kingdom of God. A season of sweetness and a time of celebrations, curses are broken and overturned making the bitter to become sweet.
Blessings Pastor Marty