May 2016

I just don’t know!

When you just don’t know: what stage of the Kingdom of God you are in and when you will see the harvest.

April 2016

Who’s trying to steal your oil?

Your oil is your anointing that is precious, we must guard the oil in order to be ready for the groom to arrive! Be wise with your oil and don’t let just anyone come and attach to you because of your oil.

My Beloved is knocking

These are exciting times in the Body of Christ, our Beloved is knocking at the door let us arise and welcome His Abiding Presence!

March 2016

Contents under pressure

The pressures of life have increased likened to a storm that has caused things inside of us to come forth: strength, faith, hope and peace.  We must know that when times get tough in the storm we must trust in the Lord.

Getting back to your first love

We need to get back to our first love, putting Christ first.

Dealing with the addictions

Dealing with the addictions in our lives is a must for a life of liberty.

February 2016

Season of spiritual warfare

We must take note to the signs of spiritual wickedness in the atmosphere, have you been experiencing signs of fatigue, lethargic, wanting to give up, negative thoughts, oppression and depression? Not always a true sign of witchcraft but these are some fruits of spiritual warfare taking place around you.

What is needed for Revival? Attitude!

January 2016

God put a freeze on your past

Out of the nostrils of God he put a freeze on your past, and allows you to cross over to the other side! Exodus 15:8 …the deep waters congealed in the heart of the sea.

The hidden obstacles from within: Guilt and shame

There are times we feel we just can not get past certain obstacles in our lives and we look for the outward solutions.  God will show you the hidden obstacles that are within, so that you can remove them from your life.