June 2014

Under great pressure? Help yourself!

When David was under great pressure to the point of being killed by his people, David encouraged himself.  We can do the same during the hardest times of our lives by going before God in prayer to seek for directions and understanding.

God is Good and His mercies endures for ever: The prescribed order for His glory!

May 2014

Get rooted in Purpose: He steadfastly & determinedly set His face..

Luke 9:51 AMP 51 Now when the time was almost come for Jesus to be received up [to heaven], He steadfastly and determinedly set His face to go to Jerusalem. Can we not do the same knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way?

I’m making all things new!

Let the old go so you can get the new growth that God has for you!

A Mother’s request

A mother’s request unto Jesus, let my two son’s sit at your side in the Kingdom.

April 2014

Easter Service: Are you connected to the source?

In the beginning God.. God is the beginning and the end and everything in between, stay connected to the source and He will provide for all your needs. The source of eternal salvation, life, joy, peace and strength.  The Source of Life is Jesus.

March 2014

Your house shall be saved: I have sent angels to your house.

Genesis 19:1-29 KJV. The two Angels came into the city, and went into Lot’s house to ultimately save the household. God has a plan of redemption for the house and your lineage.

The House shall be saved

Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it! You and your house shall be saved.

Something is about to happen

1 Samuel 3:11 The Lord told Samuel, Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel…  

In your darkness God speaks; The lessons in your afflictions.

Learn from your afflictions and know what the intentions are: 1. Foolish afflictions. 2. Demonic afflictions. 3. Victim afflictions. 4. Demonstration afflictions. 5. Heaven sent afflictions. 6. Mysterious afflictions. Each play a role in the Kingdom and in your darkness.