July 2017
Deliverd from the root system
The enemy works within the systems of your life: financial, marital, health and so forth, it is time for us to get to the root of the problem!
Intimacy with God is key!
To know God is to be intimate with God, this is the key to new dimensions of the Kingdom of God.
June 2017
Dad’s touch of empowerment: run your course
A dad’s touch of empowerment is necessary for our course that we are on to finish the race. We need to be ready and anticipating the touch of the Father but not to move out of our lane, not to leave to quick or to drop what is being released.
May 2017
Where is your stone?
Where is your stone is a question that should be asked on a day to day basis. The stone is where you first encountered God as a savior, or as a friend, or as a healer, or as a deliverer! We must bring back to remembrance of the stone as a place of worship unto […]
April 2017
He is Risen: He emptied Himself so you can be filled
Jesus said on the cross that He thirst: a sign that the well springs of life had been emptied for all mankind that would receive of this well.
March 2017
Do you see what God sees?
Do you see what God sees? Or is our perception based on our desire to see what we want to see?