June 2014

The Order of the House opens the Heavens

The Destiny code

May 2014

Get rooted in Purpose: He steadfastly & determinedly set His face..

Luke 9:51 AMP 51 Now when the time was almost come for Jesus to be received up [to heaven], He steadfastly and determinedly set His face to go to Jerusalem. Can we not do the same knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way?

Sardis Wake up!

Revelation 3:1-6 NIV to the church of Sardis write: …you have a reputation of being alive, but your are dead. Wake up! We the people of God need to not just look alive but be alive in our everyday life so that others can see the effect of His presence in and on us. What […]

I’m making all things new!

Let the old go so you can get the new growth that God has for you!

And when they gathered to pray

Acts 4:23-31 ESV..and when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken,.  God is shaking things violently to transplant you into the soil of the Kingdom, and to remove you from the containment of the pot, so as to plant you by rivers of living water.

A Mother’s request

A mother’s request unto Jesus, let my two son’s sit at your side in the Kingdom.

April 2014

Easter Service: Are you connected to the source?

In the beginning God.. God is the beginning and the end and everything in between, stay connected to the source and He will provide for all your needs. The source of eternal salvation, life, joy, peace and strength.  The Source of Life is Jesus.

Palm Sunday: Hosanna save now

Zechariah 9:9 Your King comes to you! Palm sunday service.

Prayer with purpose: Teach us how to pray

Luke 11:1-4 The Disciples prayer, teach us how to pray. What is the purpose of the prayer? What is the Agenda of the prayer? and What is the motivation of the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples?